Check the Math League Registration Center for the Math League Contests in your state to see if your school is participating, and in which contests. Schools are listed by County in the U.S., and by Province in Canada. If your school is not yet registered, and you would like to see them compete in Math League Contests, you can encourage them to participate. Here's how: - Contact your son's or daughter's math teacher, and let this teacher know you are interested in participating in Math League's contests. Refer the teacher to our web site at for more information, or mail us to request a brochure on our contests, books, and software.
- Ask your school system if there are any Math Clubs or Math Teams that students can join. Many school systems have Math Clubs or Math Teams that meet before or after school for students with an interest in math, or students who would just like to sharpen their skills in different math subjects or for the SAT. If your school doesn't have a Math Club or Math Team, contact the Math Department about organizing one.
- Contact your school Principal or Guidance Department Member, and let him or her know you would like to see your school participate in the contests. The school can contact the Math League for sample contests and more information, or visit the web site at
- Let other parents know about Math League contests, and our goal to build student confidence and interest in mathematics through solving worthwhile problems.
- Do you have any ideas or suggestions for us? We love to hear from you, please drop us a line and let us know what you think by emailing comments to
- How to contact us:
Mathematics Leagues P.O. Box 17 Tenafly NJ 07670-0017
Phone: 201-568-6328 Fax: 201-816-0125 Web site: E-mail: Thanks for your interest and good luck! |